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M.J. Hromek
Costume Designer | Illustrator | Maker

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About Me

I am a costume designer, technician, and artist currently based in the Baltimore/Washington area. I received my MFA in Costume Design at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and I graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in May 2020 with a BA in Theatre Design and Production.

To me, theatre is a puzzle that has various different answers. As theatre artists, we are given the pieces and must work to arrange them in a way that best serves not only the desires of the design team but also the needs of the show. I believe the solutions to shows exist in the text, and the creativity arises in how a team choses to address and place each puzzle piece. I am attentive to the differing logistics and aesthetics of each show, and I aspire to reach a level of unique specificity while maintaining my own personal voice through the use of vibrant and interesting colors as well as being mindful of silhouette and shape. I strive to create costumes with depth that speak to the story being told in each character, and I find joy in ensuring each piece of clothing plays its part in aiding the larger goals of the show.

Upcoming projects include Twelfth Nightopening at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival Summer 2024​.

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